About Us

Our Commitment
At SimplyFido, being a leader goes well beyond our commitment to offering safe and chemical free products for your pets. It also means protecting the health and safety of our employees, and safeguarding the environments where we do business. At SimplyFido we have a special responsibility to protect our environment for future generations.
Creating Socially Responsible & Eco-Friendly Products
Simply Fido LLC is about more than making playthings - we aim to teach values and environmental responsibility, all while touching the hearts of your pet through imagination and whimsy.
The actual process of making our product is as important to us as the materials we use. No harmful chemicals or substances are used in making of Simply Fido products and our low-eco impact dye process for soft goods generates much less waste and contamination.
Under the direct management of Simply Fido LLC International offices, our suppliers and business partners follow the highest International labor standards and treat each employee with respect and fairness.